Details of Courses offered by the University under FYUGP:
1. Introduction to Indian Constitution (Political Science) 2. Social and Political Philosophy (Philosophy) 3. Assamese Folk Song (Assamese) 4. Environmental Education (Education) 5. पुराणेतिहास (Vedic Studies) 6. भगवद्दगीतादर्शनम् (Sarvadarsan) 7. History of Sanskrit Literature-1 (Sanskrit Sahitya)
1. General English 2. NSS
1.Environmental Studies (Common)
1.Communicative Sanskrit (Sanskrit Sahitya) 2. Political Leadership (Political Science) 3. DTP and Proof Reading (Assamese) 4. Computer Application (Centrally) 5. Science of Manuscriptology (Sanskrit Vedic Studies)
1. Gender and Politics in India (Pol Sc) 2. Xomoxamoyik Rajonoitik PristhaBhumir Axomiya Sutigalpa (Political Science) 3. Environmental Ethics (Philosophy) 4. Selected Assamese Literary Texts (Assamese) 5. Understanding Pedagogy (Education) 6. स्मृतिसाहित्यम् (Sanskrit Vedic Studies) 7. सर्वदर्शनम्-१ (Sarvadarsan) 8. History of Sanskrit Literature 2 (Sanskrit Sahitya)
1. Mil 2. Sanskrit
1. Introduction To Yoga 2. Disaster Management (Assamese) 3. Fine Arts/Visual Arts 4. Music 5. Introduction to Human Rights (Political Science) 6. Traditional Game of Assam( Assamese) 7.Community Engagement in Education (Education)
1. Communicative Sanskrit (Sanskrit Sahitya) 2. Short Film Production (Assamese) 3. Artificial Intelligence (Centrally)
1. Feminism in Contemporary Assamese Literature (Pol Sc) 2. Yoga Philosophy (Philosophy) 3. Introduction to the Study of Assamese Culture (Assamese) 4. Economics of Education (Education) 5. वेदेषु पर्यावरणम् (Sanskrit Vedic Studies) 6. सर्वदर्शनम्-२ (Sarvadarsan) 7.History of Sanskrit Literature of Assam (Sanskrit Sahitya)
1. Life Skill Education (Education) 3. Enterpreneurship (Political Science) 3. Human Value in Nitisataka (Sanskrit Sahitya)
1. Creative Writing (Assamese) 2. Cyber Security
1. Spoken English (Centrally) 2. Studies of Assamese Culture 3. Traditional Crafts of Assam (Assamese)
Core (Major) and DSE (Minor) offered by different departments of the University under FYUGP: