Department of Education

  • About

  • Teachers Profile

  • Routine

  • Gallery

  • Departmental Notices

  • Student’s Progression

  • Programme

  • Research

  • Project

  • Facilities

  • Activities

  • Collaboration and MoU

  • Contact Us

  • Library

  • Future Plan

  • Publications


To envisage a society in the 21st century, vibrant with creative, inquisitive and skilled youths to achieve the broader aims of education- “Learning to know” , “Learning to do”, “Learning to Be” and “Learning to Live together” the Department of Education of Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit & Ancient Studies University, Nalbari was established. In this endeavor, the department imparts knowledge on education both as a process and also as product, blended with ancient and modern educational practices.

A Brief Sketch of the Department:

  1. Year of Establishment: 2013
  2. Course Introduced: 2013
  3. Psychological Laboratory (Equipped With Required Instruments): 2014
  4. Faculty Members: 06
  5. Departmental Library: Vidyakosh (2016)
  6. Departmental Society: VidyarthiSanstha (Previously known as Saraswati Trust 2016)
  7. Wall Magazine: Vidyabha
  8. Hand Written Magazine: Vidyadyuti

Department of Education, Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit & Ancient Studies University, Nalbari was established in the year 2013 to offer Post Graduate Degree. It was started at the temporary campus of the University in Nalbari College, Nalbari with 40 students, two contractual teachers, namely NabanitaSarmah and Shehnaz Begum and one Guest Faculty, Dr. BirendraDeka. Dr. Dharitri Devi Choudhury and Ajanta Deka also served the Department as Guest Faculty in 2014. Dr. NabanitaSarmah rendered her service as coordinator in the Department since 2013. In the month of May, 2015 Dr. MallikaKalita (Associate Professor) and Dr. NabanitaSarmah (Assistant Professor) joined the department as permanent faculty member. From 1st September, 2015 to 22nd January of 2021, Dr. MallikaKalita has rendered her service as Head of the Department of Education.In the 1st week of August of 2019, one associate professor, Dr. Alaka Das and three assistant professors –Dr, Sayanika Deka, Ms. Ansumwi Basumatary and Dr. Krishna Kalita joined in the department. Since 22nd of January, 2021, Dr. Alaka Das is entrusted with the responsibility of the Head of the Department.

Nodal Department of Yogic Science: Since 2019, the department of Education is functioning as nodal department of Yogic Science and Dr. Alaka Das, Associate Professor in the department is acting as Coordinator of ‘Yogic Science. Mr. UtpalDutta, M.Sc. in Yoga was appointed as Guest faulty in Yogic Science. 21. Miss Garima Devi, MA in Sanskrit and MA in Yogic Science & Naturopathy have joined as guest faculty in the department recently. Presently, Six months Certificate course in Yogic Science and One Year Post Graduate Diploma in Yogic Science & Therapy are offered by the department under ‘Yogic Science’.

Teachers Profile

Dr. Alaka Das

Dr. Alaka Das

Associate Professor 

Dr. Mallika Kalita

Dr. Mallika Kalita

Associate Professor (Head)

Dr. Nabanita Sarmah

Dr. Nabanita Sarmah

Assistant Professor

Dr. Krishna Kalita

Dr. Krishna Kalita

Assistant Professor

Sayanika Deka

Sayanika Deka

Assistant Professor

Ansumwi Basumatary

Ansumwi Basumatary

Assistant Professor

Programmes Offered

M.A. in Education
02 Years
Candidates with Bachelor degree in Education (Major) from any university recognized by UGC with minimum 50% (45% in case of SC/ST) can apply for the course.55
M. Phil01Minimum 55% in post-graduation and passed in M. Phil Entrance Test06
Ph DMinimum 55% in post-graduation and passed in

5 yearsMinimum 60 % in H S Examination with Education as a subject40
FYUGP4 YearsAs decided by the Department25
Post Graduate Diploma in Yogic Science & Therapy01 YearCandidates with Bachelor degree in any discipline from any university recognized by UGC

Certificate Course on Yogic Science6 Months10+2 passed40

N B: The Department also offers undergraduate level programme on Education (General) in conjugation with Integrated Master in Sanskrit.


The Department of Education introduced M.Phil programme in Education with an intake capacity of 05 (2019-20) & 06 (2021-22). Three Research Scholars successfully completed their M. Phil Degree under guidance and supervision of Dr. Mallika Kalita. At present, 06 research scholars are pursuing M.Phil in the department.

The Department introduced Ph.D programme in Education with an intake of 05 in 2021-22. At present, 10 research scholars are pursuing Ph. under supervision of Dr. Alaka Das, Dr. Mallika Kalita, Dr. Nabanita Sarmah, Dr. Krishna Kalita and Dr. Sayanika Deka.


SCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES – Seminar, Academic Lecture Programme, Webinar:

The department is trying to complement the regular teaching learning process by holding seminars, organizing resource lectures, invited talks for the students and faculties. A brief report of these activities are-

  • Organize debate competition on the occasion of 400 years of Birth day of Lachit Barphukan on 22nd of November, 2022 in collaboration with Assamese department of Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and ancient studies University on the theme ‘Observance of Lachit Divas is the only means to establish Ideology of BirLachit’.
  • On 11th of November, 2022, Student’s Day was celebrated on Prof. P R. Joshi ,honourable Vice-chancellor of the University, delivered lecture on ‘Role of Students at present context’ .
  • Participate in Sanskrit SaptahSamaroh and organized day long programme on the theme ‘Relevance of Ancient Indian Pedagogy in the context of Present Day Education’ on 12.08. 2022
  • On the occasion of International Yoga Divas of 21st June, 2022, ICPR sponsored National Seminar Cum Workshop was organized on the theme ‘Indian Educational Thoughts, Practices and Yoga for Human-Well-being’ on 7-8th July, 2022
  • ‘National Youth Day’ was observed in the department on 12th January, 2022 in which Dr. Mallika Kalita, Associate Professors of the department deliver lecture themed on Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy and Education’. Students of Yogic Science demonstrated on Yoga Practices.
  • On the occasion of International Literacy Day, 2021, webinar was organized on the theme ‘Literacy for Human Centred Recovery: Narrowing the Digital Divide’ on 8th September2021. Professor Nilratan Roy from Tezpur University had highlighted the theme elaborately. A street play themed on ‘Importance of Education on Women Empowerment’ was demonstrated by the students
  • On the occasion of International Yoga Divas 2021, two day National Seminar Cum Workshop on ‘Holistic Development: An Exploration Through Ancient Indian Education & Yoga’ has been organized by the department in collaboration with All Assam Yoga & Naturopathy Association, on 21st& 22nd June, 2021. An e-abstract volume of the abstract of the seminar has also been published on the occasion.
  • Webinar was organized on 5th of June2021, by the department to observe ‘World Environment Day’ on the theme ‘Eco-System Restoration: Past, Present & Future’, in collaboration with ‘National Service Scheme Unit’, Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit & A S University. Prof Abani Bhagabati, from Geography department of Gauhati University, and Soumyadeep Dutta, Director, Natures Backon, North East India act as key note and theme speaker.
  • An academic lecture programme was organized by the department on the theme ‘ Revisiting Ancient Indian Education For Fixing the Present’ on 10th of May, 2021 and Dr. Pranab Saikia , Associate Professor of Education, Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University was the resource person.
  • Webinar was coordinated by the department organized by Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal & Niti Ayog in collaboration with Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit & AS University on 13th of March, 2021.
  • Five-day Online Workshop on “Research Methodology on Social Sciences and Humanities” was organized by the Department of Education in collaboration with IQAC, KBVSASU from 13/08/2020- 17/08/2020.
  • A National Webinar on “Student Community in Higher Education: Wellness Approach and Career Building” was organized by Department of Education, KBVSASU and Council for Teacher Education Foundation, Assam on 11/08/2020.
  • A webinar on “Restoring Health through Yoga Practice during Covid-19 Pandemic” was organized by Department of Education on the occasion of observing International Yoga Divas on 21/06/2020.
  • A special lecture cum interaction programme on “New Education Policy, 2019” was held on 9th September, 2019 and Dr. Dulumoni Goswami, Associate Professor of Gauhati University was the Resource Person in this programme.
  • A Special lecture programme was organized on “Literacy and Skill Development” on the theme of UNESCO; 2018, and Honorable VC of KBVSASU Prof Dipak Sarmah, Nalbari delivered the speech in connection with World Literacy Day.
  • 23rd October- 30th October, 2018, the Deptt. of Education, KBVSASU, Nalbari arranged for a series of lecture on Philosophical Foundation of Education of one week duration and Dr. BirendraDeka, Professor and former principal of N.H.College, Patacharkuchi was the Resource person in this programme.
  • On 16/5/2018 an academic lecture programme on “Man and Environment during Ancient Period” was organized in the department and Prof. Dipak Kumar Sharma honorable VC of Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit & Ancient Studies University, Nalbari was the Resource Person in this programme.
  • On 19th and 20th May, 2016, the Department of Education of KBVSASUN organized a National Seminar on the theme “Education, Ethics & Excellence”. The seminar was sponsored by ICSSR (NE Region) and a total of 201 papers were presented in this seminar by the participants from different states of India.
  • On 8th April, 2016, Prof. Gayatree Goswamee, former HoD, Education of Gauhati University delivered her special lecture on “Effective Teaching” organized by the Department of Education KBVSASU, Nalbari.


  • Observed teachers day every year
  • Field Study conducted every year
  • Cleanliness drive in the campus and surroundings
  • Viswakarma puja was observed every year at Psychological laboratory and guardians and community people were also invited to this Puja.
  • An Orientation Programme on United Nations was organized on 7th May, 2019. UNESCO –NERC Director Dr. Aswini Sarma delivered a lecture as Resource Person in that Programme and community people were also invited to this programme.


  • A Yoga awareness Rally and lecture programme organized by the department on the theme ‘Yoga as Way of Life’ on 30th December, 2022 .
  • On the occasion of International Literacy Day, 2021, a Street Play was also performed by the members of ‘Vidyarthi Sanstha’ in synchronization of the occasion.
  • A Free Health check-up camp sponsored by the Health Directorate, Assam was organized by the Department of Education at Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University on 13/03/2020.
  • An awareness Programme on ‘Legal Protection of women’ was organized by the Department of Education in collaboration with the Women’s Forum, KBVSASUN and MahilaSamiti, Namati; on 28/02/2020.
  • A Social Service Programme- ‘SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN’ was organized on 13/02/2020 by Vidyarthi Sanstha, Department of Education in collaboration with VCDC at Namati Village on the occasion of Sarojini Naidu’s Birth Anniversary.
  • The department observed World Literacy Day, 2019 and in this connection an awareness rally for mass education was taken from the NH-31 to University campus. People from neighboring community participated in the rally.
  • To develop Teaching Competency among the 2nd sem. students of Education Department “Student Internship” programme was organized in the nearby schools during the period of 18/3/2019-31/3/2019.
  • On 15th March, 2019, A Field Study Programme on “Flora and Fauna on the River Bank of Pagladia” was conducted by the students and teachers of the Department.
  • A Survey on Status of Health & Sanitation of Namati Area on this area a sample survey was conducted by the students and teachers of the Department in association with VCDC on 13th March, 2019.
  • A departmental fieldtrip was organized to Kuruwa Village on the river bank of Brahmaputra near North Guwahati to conduct an environmental survey on30/11/2018.
  • An awareness programme on “Beti Bachauk, Beti Padhauk” was organized by the Department of education in collaboration with MahilaSamiti, Namati village on 20th November, 2019.
  • An Educational Tour (Excursion) of was taken to Odisha-Kolkata by the Department in the year 2017 (April13-20)
  • World Literacy Day on 8th September, 2017 was celebrated. In connection with this, a Mass Literacy Rally by students and teachers along with the VCDC members for raising literacy awareness among common people was taken in the surrounding Villages of theUniversity. In synchronization with this, a lecture programme on the theme ‘Literacy in a DigitalWorld” was also organized.
  • A socio-educational survey was conducted by the department in association with Gaonburha and VCDC in the entire Namati village near university during the period of September, 2016 to April, 2017. Students and teachers of education went for door to door survey to collect data about conditions of the people in this village.
  • Collaborated in organizing a national seminar on “Quality Issues in School Education with special reference to NE India” by Department of Education, Rangia College on 21st& 22nd October,2016.
  • In the year 2016 also, Department of Education observed World Literacy Day in association with VCDC and Honourable Vice Chancellor of KBVSASU, Nalbari Prof. Dipak Kumar Sharma delivered the special lecture on the theme-“Reading the Past, Writing the Future”.
  • On 8th September, 2015, a Mass Literacy Rally for raising educational awareness was taken in the nearby village in collaboration with VCDC. All the students of Education Department, teachers and community people participated in the rally and it was taken in connection with the World Literacy Day, Namati on the main theme “Literacy and Sustainable Societies” in the Department.

Departmental Library

Vidyakosh’, the departmental library was initiated in the year 2016 for the convenience of the students as well as the faculties. Teachers of the department voluntarily contributed books to the library. At present, there are more than hundred books, two volumes of educational research survey, edited books and one monthly magazine. Every year few new books are purchased according to the needs and demands of the students.

Future Plan

Department of education has the following future plans-

  • Introducing Integrated Siksha Shastri Programme in collaboration with the school of Sanskrit.
  • Certificate Course on Life Skill Education
  • Departmental Mouthpiece/Research Journal
  • MOOCs
  • TLC (Teaching-Learning Centre)

Departmental Publications

  • Edited Book, “Education, Ethics & Excellence”, Lakshi Publishers & Distributors, Delhi 2017
  • Edited Book, “Society, Education & Culture”, Lakshi Publishers & Distributors, Delhi 2018
  • Edited Book, “Holistic Development: An Exploration Through Ancient Indian Education and Yoga, 2022

Departmental wall magazine “Vidyabha” for the students to practice their literarytalents.

  • 1st issue of Hand Written Magazine “Vidyadyuti”,2019.
  • 2nd issue of Hand Written Magazine “Vidyadyuti”, 2020
  • 3rd Issue of Hand Written Magazine “Vidyadyuti”, 2021
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